The political implications of active ageing are the themes to be explored by the Romanian National Theatre Timisoara and the Badisches Staatstheater in Karlsruhe. While Germany's ageing voters will have the most voting control in the country, Romania’s youth are eager to have their voices heard through the political mechanisms that will soon have to be handed over from the ageing powers that were in control. So within the EU there may be two counter movements — a youth bulge versus a senior citizen bulge. Young, award-winning Romanian playwright Peca Stefan conducted extensive research in both cities and countries, which are linked on a political and cultural level via a 20-year-old partnership. He worked with dramaturges from both countries and Malte C. Lachmann, a young German theatre director nominated by the Badisches Staatstheater to create a new play to be staged in both theatres with two Romanian and two German actors. The final play will reflect on the interviews realized by Peca Stefan and invite the audience to witness the ageing of the performance.
Playwright: Peca Stefan
Director: Malte C. Lachmann
Stage and costume designer: Anna van Leen
Video artist: Lucian Matei
Dramaturge: Michael Gmaj
Project managers: Jan Linders and Geanina Jinaru
Sabina Bijan
Sophia Löffler
Jan Andreesen
Colin Buzoianu