ETC International theatre conference and Art of Ageing 1st European theatre and science festival
Teatrul National Timisoara, Romania
16-19 April 2015

The ETC International conference and “The Art of Ageing European Theatre & Science Festival” will present the five new Art of Ageing theatre plays addressing the topic of ageing position them in a broader scientific context offering working sessions, panels, public talks and a symposium that provide the opportunity to pool artists, audiences, political and economic stake holders with researchers from the philosophical, sociological, economic and political field, to meet and exchange for the first time in a multidisciplinary context on the impact of ageing populations on our societies. 

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Thursday April 16 2015


Opening reception (Sala 2)

Art of Ageing performances

The clock is ticking 
written by Peca Stefan, directed by Malte C. Lachmann
premiering with the participation of the Temeswarer Liederkranz
Post-performance party and talk with the artists on stage
(Sala 2)

Strawberry orphans 
concept by werkgruppe2, directed by Julia Roesler

Post-performance talk with the artists
(Sala Mare)



Reception in festival centre (Mirror Hall)

Friday April 17 2015

Registration & Entry


09:30 - 10:30
Welcome & Opening
(Polytech - Senate Hall)
Ada Hausvater, General Manager, National Theatre Timisoara

Dubravka Vrgoč, ETC President

Keynote "Understanding demographic change"

Dr. George W. Leeson, Co-Director Oxford Institute on Population Ageing

followed by Discussion


10:30 - 10:45

Morning Coffee


10:45 - 11:45
Scientific panel “The Art of Ageing” 
(Polytech - Senate Hall)

Scientific findings of the ageing phenomenon in artistic dialogue with civil society and

policy makers

Impulses by panelists
Ebbe Johansen, Vice-President, Age Platform Europe, DaneAge

Prof. Birgit Dahlke, Humboldt University Berlin, Literature

Prof. Alin Gavreliuc, Dean of Western University Timisoara / Faculty of Sociology and Psychology
followed by Discussion


11:45 - 13:00
Conversations "Dealing with ageing in theatre" 
(Polytech - Rooms 2 & 3)
Parallel group conversations with invited experts, Art of Ageing artists and ETC members to exchange best practices, experiences and ideas ranging from plays and production forms to audience involvement


13:00 - 14:00 
Networking Lunch (Polytech - Foyer)

upon the invitation by the National Theatre Timisoara


14:00 - 16:00
New Roles for Old Faces.

Creative Ageing – Community based workshop (Polytech - Senate Hall)

Introducing an intergenerational theatre outreach program
Workshop lead by Stuart Kandell, Artful Aging


16:00 - 16:15
Afternoon coffee


16:15 - 17:30 

ETC General Assembly - Plenary Meeting, for ETC members only (Polytech - Senate Hall)

Activity Report / Vote accounts 2014 / Vote new members

Fondazione del Teatro Stabile di Torino, Italy

Schauspiel Graz, Austria

Pesti Magyar Theatre Budapest, Hungary

Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre Tblisi, Georgia

ETC member project presentations – call for participation

Art of Ageing performances

Fen fires
written by Nino Haratischwili, directed by Brit Bartkowiak

Post-performance talk with the artists
(Sala 2)


I´m afraid that we know each other now
written by Ivor Martinić, directed by Dominique Schnizer, Croatian version

Post-performance talk with the artists
(Sala Mare)


Party in festival centre (Mirror Hall)

Saturday April 18 2015

10:00 - 12:30

Parallel working sessions
Professional workshop for European theatre pedagogues (Polytech - Room 2)
Innovative theatre pedagogical forms, exchange of best practices and ideas 

Workshop lead by Rob Drummer, Bush Theatre London
2 Working groups: Elaborating guidelines for international collaborations in repertory theatre  (Polytech - Room 3 & Senate Hall)

Aspects of artistic collaboration (topic, team, language etc.)
Aspects of producing international collaborations (agreements, schedule, communication etc.)

chaired by Dubravka Vrgoč, Croatian National Theatre Zagreb and Serge Rangoni, Theatre de Liège

with the participation of the Art of Ageing artistic and creative teams


12:30 - 14:00
Networking Lunch 
(at Hotel Timisoara)

upon the invitation by the National Theatre Timisoara


14:00 - 16:00
Parallel project workshops (Polytech - Rooms 2 & 3)
1) Young Europe III

chaired by Paulien Geerlings, De Toneelmakerij Amsterdam
2) European Theatre Lab, project partner meeting

chaired by Heidi Wiley, ETC General Secretary
3) Individual Theatre Networking


16:00 - 16:30
Result of working sessions (Polytech - Senate Hall)
Closing comments

Art of Ageing performance

I´m afraid that we know each other now
written by Ivor Martinić, directed by Miriam Horwitz, German Version

Post-performance talk with the artists
(Sala Mare)


20:00 - 21:00

Debrief Board Meeting (Theatre)

Performance National Theatre Timisoara production

Maria de Buenos Aires 
by Astor Piazzolla (music) and Horacio Ferrer (lyrics), directed by Ada Lupu
(Sala 2)



Party in festival centre (Mirror Hall)

Sunday April 19 2015


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