Brit Bartkowiak was born in 1980. She studied German Literature and Theatre Studies in Mainz and in Wellington / New Zealand. In 2006 she started her studies in Theatre Direction at the Academy of Music and Theatre in Hamburg. Her first works during her studies were: “Black animal sadness” by Anja Hilling in Hamburg and “Time to love, Time to die” by Fritz Kater in Dresden. From 2009 to 2013 she worked as an assistant director at the Deutsches Theater Berlin, cooperating, among others, with Dimiter Gotscheff, Nicolas Stemann and Stefan Pucher.
In 2012 she directed the German -language premiere of “Swchwrm” by Toon Tellegen and Guy at the Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf . At the Deutsches Theater in Berlin, she directed among others : “Mother tongue Mameloschn” by Marianna Salzmann, which was nominated for the award of the Mülheim Theatre Days 2013.
In the season 2013/14 she is a director at the Deutsches Theater Berlin, the Staatstheater Oldenburg and at the State Theatre of Lower Saxony North in Wilhelmshaven.